Shelf that can be rotated 90°, a good helper for storage in the dead corner of the kitchen|kitchen rack

Shelf that can be rotated 90°, a good helper for storage in the dead corner of the kitchen|kitchen rack

It is very common that the kitchen mainly relies on cabinets for storage, but we often ignore the kitchen countertops. As long as some inconspicuous dead spaces are used well, we can squeeze 1 square meter of storage space for the kitchen.
The kitchen makes a 90° rotatable shelf in the dead corner, and the dead corner stores the helper. This design can be analogous to setting a storage shelf in the corner cabinet under the countertop. The pull basket can be flexibly moved according to needs. It is divided into several layers mainly to organize and store items by category. It can be adjusted up and down. No matter whether the bottle is high or low, it can be put down. It is more intuitive and convenient to find the items you need when cooking.
The most important point is to save space. Staying in the corner does not take up space, and makes good use of the space in the corner. And if it is stained with oil fume and needs to be cleaned, the detergent can be cleaned directly, it is really a good thing in the kitchen!
This design seems to have no shortcomings. After all, the dead space is so tasteless, and there is no reason to say that it occupies the area of ​​the operating table. After all, after installing the revolving rack, the abandoned space has been put to good use, solving the storage problem of part of the kitchen. And it is more cost-effective and cost-effective than leaving a space in the cabinet for storage.

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